Before Lasik Eye Surgery
Ok ya'll, I'm about to get Lasik this Friday, November 2nd. I'm terrified. I'm that person that googled all about it (all except for the problems with Lasik because I don't want to back out...) and watched videos I shouldn't have. Now I want to back out. But I can't. Let me tell you why.
As a lifetime sufferer of migraines, my glasses and contacts give me hell. I can't wear contacts three days in a row without my eyes being irritated and red. No matter how much I rise with solution and repeat. Not to mention the eye infections I've gotten from wearing contacts. That's been no fun! Like how does that happen when I'm keeping them sterile? I've tried with the whole glasses thing my whole childhood and got picked on quite a bit in school being a 4-eyed kid. This gave me self-esteem issues for years and it hasn't been fun! They even fog up everytime I go outside whether its super hot or super cold. *palm to face*
At nighttime, this is what I see WITH my glasses. Not safe, right?
I never could wear sunglasses as a kid because I was stuck wearing regular glasses. My parents found a new option for me and I began wearing my new translucent lenses. HA! Were those a joke or what? Everytime I went outdoors they changed quickly and protected my eyes, but when I came indoors I couldn't see anything for a good 45 minutes- they were so dark! The cold and heat changed them too in random situations. When I began wearing contacts I bought six different pairs of shades the same day. I was so happy. I didn't have to wear those regular nerdy glasses. Then I started having all kinds of issues with the contacts from dry eye to eventually Cornea Abrasion... something got caught between my lens and my eye cutting the heck out of it. Healing was painful. Then one time I cut the corner of my eye- right after I got my nails done- trying to get them out.
I've been told "You look better without glasses." I would agree. Then there's rain...need I say more? The struggle when your glasses get too loose they slip down your nose. UGH! Then there's the permanent indent right at the top of my nose from wearing them for years. My daughter just learned a new game of "Mommy Can't See". This game consists of her snatching my glasses off my face and hiding them. She does this just so she can watch me hollar for my husband to find them- all while I wander crawling around on hands and knees in search for my eyes. That may be funny but it's no fun guys!
This is what I see everyday of my life. Beyond my glasses and contacts I see color and shape. No details at all.
So I just had a consultation for the lasik a few weeks ago and found out that the rings I see around lights are bright reflections and from the astigmatism in both my eyes. That was strange to hear because I honestly thought everyone sees those! Well, turns out they can fix that too with Lasik! So that was the seller for me. I'll finally be able to see better in general as well as at night and I have no idea what that is like. I couldn't be more excited to get this over with and get back to life. I'm going to have to put off photography for a couple of weeks so I can heal but that just gives me more time with my little girl! I can't wait to wake up and not deal with relying on some man-made object to see all of the important details of life.
Stay tuned for my After Lasik blog next week!
Ok y’all so it’s been a week and let me tell you- DRY EYES SUCK! I pray it goes away soon but as far as the healing process it totally has not been bad. My left eye is pretty much healed however me right eye isn’t. It still hurts. I went in for a checkup this morning and they found a hemorrhage in my eye. Blah.
Needless to say, my right eye is going to take some time to heal itself but hey, at least I can see without glasses or contacts right??
During the surgery I felt so dang scared. They prescribed a valium for it but they also told me to wait to take it until 10 minutes before surgery. I am a lifetime suffer of severe anxiety and let me tell y’all…. the whole process sucked. I ended up having an anxiety attack after they did the first eye because the valium didn’t kick in. It didn’t hit me until 10 minutes into the drive home! Besides that incident, it was easy and a fast process.
Every night before I go to bed I make sure to drink plenty of extra water so that I stay hydrated through the night. I keep using the eye drops and they seem to do the trick. I feel like my eyes have something stuck in them because of the incisions. My eyes aren’t as clear as the first day I got them done, however, the doc said it will take some time to develop the full result. Approximately 3 months. We shall see!
Three months has came and gone so fast guys! My eyesight is so much better than the first week! I can finally see at night without the glare and I can finally see in the distance. I cannot tell you all how amazing Lasik has been! I do get dry eye from time to time if I don’t stay hydrated but other than that I don’t have any issues!
Photo Credit: Barry Jackson