First year doing the Elf in the Shelf!
I couldn’t be more excited to have this tradition in our home! My old neighbors and good friends (The Sanders Family) got it for my daughter. Normally this tradition is from Thanksgiving to Xmas Eve but we got started a little late this year.
At first my kid was confused. She is only two so new things can be a little different. The first day, I read the book to her and named the elf. It’s name? Miss Tattlecheeks. Haha! Then we went looking for the elf she got pretty excited. We looked high and low and I kind of had to show her where it was. Miss Tattlecheeks was unscrewing light bulbs! (Helpful hint: If you have a toddler that likes to touch everything, hide the elf high until they understand the rules of the elf.)
The whole first day H was crying about not being able to reach the elf. So I pretended to reach and acted like I couldn’t touch her either. Playing along keeps the game fun!
First day we found her unscrewing the lights.
Day 2. Above the fireplace riding a reindeer.
Day 3. Above the front door.
Day 4. Miss Tattlecheeks needs help making candy cane reindeer!
Day 5. H woke up literally looking for Miss Tattlecheeks. She screamed when she found her sitting above the microwave!
Day 6.
Dear Holly:
I saw you say your prayers last night. You are such a good girl that Santa told me to bring you some hot chocolate!
Miss Tattlecheeks
Day 7. On top of the TV mantle.
Day 8. Sleeping under the Xmas tree.
Day 9. Hanging on the chandelier.
Day 10. Miss Tattlecheeks climbed the tree to watch how good H was.
Day 11. Hiding in the lamp.
Day 12. Hiding above the cabinets.
Day 13. Miss Tatttlecheeks got stuck trying to hide on the fan!
Day 14. Miss Tattlecheeks was trying to blend in with the wall decor.
Day 15. She left a bag of reindeer food out for H! Today is Xmas eve and we went and fed the birds as a family.
Christmas morning!!! I know that the elf is supposed to go back home but H couldn’t let her go the night before. So we let Miss Tattlecheeks stay another day only if she said her prayers and rushed her teeth! 🤗