Samantha Cavener Photography

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How to Find the Best Wedding Venue!

Finding the perfect place to get married is such a struggle when you don’t know where to start! So let me help you with these simple tips!

  1. Start with your style. Do you like barns? Water? Destination wedding maybe? Whatever it may be start there!

  2. Budget. Working with a budget makes things so much easier! What’s the max you would spend on your wedding? Is mom and dad helping? Etc. Count it up or down and then get your quotes.

  3. If you have a small budget, a wedding planner might good to contact. Most are inexpensive and know what they are doing. Most have several recommendations as well! You can also ask around by posting in your local groups on places like Facebook or even use Google to find ones local. Don’t be afraid to ask professional wedding photographers! They more than likely know which ones are good to work with and have experience in many venue’s customer service!

  4. Ask your friends and family too if they know people-who-know-people kind of thing! You may end up with a good discount that it hard to beat!

  5. If your wedding is over 4-5 months out, you may have time to even check out a few Open Houses! Check out your local events on Facebook or even in the newspapers!

  6. Go to Bridal Shows! There are plenty of vendors to check out and even some great food to test out as well!

  7. Take your bridesmaids out of town with you and hit up the Open Houses out of town too. It can also make for good memories!

  8. Once you have a few to choose from, go for a tour! make sure that it is what your want. Be sure to ask the details like “What’s all included? What’s not included?” Etc. If a photographer, food, and DJ aren’t included at the price of $2,000 and you are on a $2,500 budget DON’T DO IT!

  9. Once you do your tours, and have one set pay your deposit and book right away! Then the real fun begins!

How did you find your venue? Are you still looking? Feel free to tell in the comments below! <3