Learn to Love Yourself

So some of you already know that I made a Little Black Book for my husband. (Yes I did it all myself! Tripod and all!) đŸ˜‚
So I’m going to start practicing what I preach. I love Boudoir. However I am super modest so don’t expect and nudes from me... but here is one of my favorites that I did of myself! 
I have come a long way with my own self-love. I was picked on most of my childhood for being too skinny. By not just the kids at school but my family too. “Eat a cheeseburger!!” They would say....”You look anorexic!!” I always felt dirty and gross because of the filthy things people would say to me. I remember coming home from school a few different times literally in panic attacks and throwing up because of how cruel these kids were.
Then I remember my grandmother calling and reassuring me that things will get better. Sure enough things did.
Barely able to break 100 lbs...I could never gain weight and still struggle today .Especially when stress piles on. This drove me to hate myself for the longest time. Now I am a momma to a beautiful little girl and I am beginning to love myself and what I see in the mirror.

Samantha Cavener