My Little Girl Just Turned 4!

Why does time fly? One moment you are holding them for the first time and the next moment they are…..(choking back tears here ya’ll…. ‘scuse me) TURNING 4!

Why? Ohhhh just why?

This year has been rough, let’s just admit it. 2020 has gone down the drain and every day we hear something more negative than the day before. Covid, mask mandates, people loosing jobs, businesses shutting down, Tiger King, the death of George Floyd, riots, deaths of police, this and that. Now, the sad fact that my little girl is getting older by the minutes is just having my head spinning!

I just wish time would literally just stop for a day. Just one day. You know, like the movie Click. I wish I had a remote that stopped time so I could just enjoy it for a second. To be able to see everything around me the way it is. To just have a second to take the moment in rather than worrying about what comes next.

With Covid-19 hitting our city hard I fear that inviting people over for my daughter’s birthday may put us at risk. That thought is terrifying because you never know who may survive it and who won’t. Yesterday my daughter asked me if she was going to get to have friends over for her party. She brought up the swimming pool and a pinata. (That’s what we did last year.) It hurt so much. All she wanted was friends over. She didn’t even mention presents or cake. All she cared about was having someone to play with.

I reached out to one of my close clients/friends. Thankfully they have not been sick and have a girl the same age and came to celebrate with us. This made my sweet little one so incredibly happy. They sat together at dinner and played the entire evening. It was just the sweetest thing! To top it off, when she had seen her cake (from C is for Cake- Cakes by Chloe) she literally screamed out of excitement! Chloe put green sprinkles and glitter all over it! (Her favorite.) H’s birthday was absolutely nothing short of perfect. <3

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