Crazy Things I Carry in My Backup Bag

Let’s be totally honest guys….how many of you have sessions that just…go…wrong? You may have had a time where you trip over your light and it breaks. There may have been a time where your client’s kiddo falls on a sidewalk and scuffs his or her hands and they uncontrollably cry. As tears fall from their face (or your’s) you frantically try to find a solution. What do you do?

Times like this are totally NOT fun but there are ways to prevent and or solve what happened. There may even be a time when a client needs something that they don’t have with them…Let me explain.

Every session I go to I always have a second bag (wether it be in my car or on my person). In this bag I carry a WIDE variety of what I like to call: Solution Solving Stuff. I carry hairspray for those fly-away hairs that bug us all. A bag of safety pins for the one who breaks their strap. First-Aid Kit for the clumsy kiddos. Tiny sewing kit for the one who pops a button. Tissues for the sick and wet wipes for the mom who forgets them. Candy for the crying kid on the right and a toy for the child on the left. Toothpicks for the guy with lunch between his teeth and bug spray for the pests.

On occasion I’ll slip a dog treat or two in the side pocket for the furry friend who tags along. Not to mention cotton pads for the ones who have sweat dripping down their face. Extra batteries and SD cards for my camera in case of a failure….lens wipes, chapstick, tampons and pads for Aunt Flo, a comb, a bottle of water, crackers for the diabetic, …and oftentimes I’ll carry a Starbucks gift card for the mom with 5 kids who drive her nuts the whole time.

I’m probably forgetting something here buy hey! I gave you a whole list of things to be prepared for didn’t I? I always have a backup plan for something! What are some things you carry with you? :-)

